My first children’s book illustration project

I am so proud to have illustrated this wonderful children’s book, written by Stacey Gates. Illustrating a children’s book had always been a dream of mine since my Art Center days. I remember taking several children’s book illustration classes taught by Kathryn Wirch. I remember being taught to come up with a children’s book idea, write it out and create a book dummy. I did the children’s nursery “Months of the Year” showing various cartoon animals enduring and enjoying all kinds of weather that each month would bring. I also remember sending copies of my book dummy to different large publishers, only to be rejected–which was to be expected.

I finally got my chance when Stacey approached me–a resounding yes! Although my illustrations are more realistic and not the typical whimsical, cute style that I see that dominate the world of children’s books, I enjoyed the creation and learned about the process at the same time.

It wasn’t until I saw the end product–the actual, beautifully printed hardcover book that I realized how spectacular this project turned out! Both Stacey and I hope to get this book and future books in this series out to the world.

You can purchase the book on Amazon or on the Dream Traveler website.


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